Why did Ali name some of his sons Omar, Abu Bakr, and Uthman?

saviorofmankind.com • View topic – Why did Ali name some of his sons Omar, Abu Bakr and Uthman? Why did Ali name some of his sons Omar and Abu Bakr?

He named it after Umar ibn Um Salama not Umar ibn Khattab, and Abu Bakr’s real name was Abdullah ibn Abi Quhafa. The Sunni narrators called him Ateeq(Tirmithi hadeeth 3679). Some say he is Abd Al Kaaba. And Uthman was named after Uthman Ibn Mathoon as what Imam Ali pbuh said in a well known narration.

Abu Bakr was an agnomen and not a real name of Ibn Abi Qahafa.

5.As for his son being named Abu Bakr, Sunni historians have showed that the actual name of Abu Bakr is Ateeq, here you go: روى الطبراني عن القاسم بن محمد: ”سألت عائشة عن اسم أبي بكر فقالت: عبد الله! فقلت: إنهم يقولون: عتيق! فقالت: إن أبا قحافة كان له ثلاثة فسمّى واحدا عَتيقا ومُعيتقا ومُعتقا“! (المعجم الكبير للطبراني ج1 ص53).

Reported from AlTabarani from AlQasim son of Muhammad”I asked Aisha about the name of Abi Bakr so she said: Servant of Allah. So I said: They are saying: Ateeq!So she said: Aba Qahafa had three names, one is Ateeq, Mueeteq and Mutaq-Mujam Tabarani v.1 p.53
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And another report: عن عائشة قالت: ”كان لأبي قحافة ثلاثة من الوُلْدِ؛ فسمّاهم عَتيقا ومُعتَقا ومُعيْتقا». (الفايق للزمخشري ج2 ص330)

For Abi Qahafa(Abu Bakrs father)three sons: So he called them Ateeq and Mueeteq and Mutaq. AlFayeq AlZamakhshari v.2 p.330

Secondly, a name is just a label on someone or a tag for identification and does not change the character,personality,position,religion,creed,ideology,doctrine of the one who is named after it and the one who gave the name to a son.

Famous Arabs that were called Abu Bakr

In Ahl’ul Sunnah’s authority work Al Isaba Volume four “Dhikr ‘Abu Bakr” Ibn Barr states:

The first was Abu Bakr bin Quhafa, the second Abu Bakr bin Shuab Laisy and the third was Abu Bakr Nafee bin al Harith Saqfi.

In the Risala Taseemee’thul Isma page 4 we read that the grandson of Prophet Ilyas (as) was called Abu Bakr.

If our opponents are still not convinced then we shall cite Sibt Ibn Jauzi al Hanafi’s “Tadhkirathul Khawwas, under the Chapter “Dhikr Abu Bakr” who provides a complete list of those individuals that were called Abu Bakr along with the tribe that they belonged to:

Abu Bakr bin Abdur Rahman Mukhdhoomee
Abu Bakr bin Hamam al Hameeree
Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Muslim Qurshee
Abu Bakr bin Abi Maleeka al Timeemee
Abu Bakr bin Sireen
Abu Bakr bin Marwan ibn Muhammad al Thathree
Abu Bakr Younis bin Bakeer al Shaybanee
Abu Bakr al Bahili
Abu Bakr al Sakhthayanai

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