Misconception about the Dajjal from Dijlat AlBasra


Salam alaikum wa rahmatollah to all Ansar. May Allah bless you all. Im a new ansar from Malaysia, as I am new, I donot have sufficient knowledge to answer all question posed by Malaysian Shia.

Today someone gave me Kurani new book, Dajjal of Basrah, http://www.alameli.net/books/index.php?book=119&part=1

I have a very poor Arabic, so all I want to know, does the point in the book is valid? Thanks


Salam Alaikom wr wb

There is no Dajjal from Basra there is Dajjal from Dijlat Al Basra this is the biggest invalid point made from Korani. He said that the Dajjal is from Basra and that is not what the hadeeth said. Dijla means the tigris river of Basra and that is in Meesan. Haydar Imshatat was the first to claim that he is Imam Ahmad Al Hassan AlYamani and then he perished after a Mubahala with Imam Ahmad Al Hassan a.s. Haydar Imshatat is the Dajjal from Dijlat Al Basra and claimed that he is the Yamani. Haydar Imshatat used to be an ansar and among the close ansars to Imam Ahmad Al Hassan(a.s) and then he left Imam Ahmad Al hassan a.s. and claimed he is the Yamani and lied to the people.Imam Ahmad AlHassan called him for a Mubahala so after when the Mubahala happened between Imam Ahmad Al Hassan and Haydar Imshatat, Haydar perished and died in a few days after the U.S. troops shot him down.

Imam Ali (pbuhaf):
“… And be careful of the Dajjals from the children of Fatima. Indeed there are some from the children of Fatima who are Dajjals. One Dajjal will come from the Tigris(Dijla) of Basra, and he is not from me, and he is the first of all the Dajjals.”

Ref: Malahim wal fitan by Ibn Tawoos, P. 249 (chapter 37, hadith no. 362)

Tigris of Basra starts from Mesaan and Euphrates starts from Nasirya.

Shatt AlArab is a confluence of the Euphrates and the Tigris:

This book unfortunately is packed full of falsehood against the Yamani and misguiding the many readers. Claims like the Yamani is a zionist, Baathist, imposter. All of these lies to mislead people away from the true Yamani Imam Ahmad Al-Hasan PBUH.

InshAllah if you watch the video it will totally refute the lie that was made against the Yamani PBUH Imam Ahmad Al Hasan.

Additionally, Imam Ahmad Al-Hasan presented his proofs and evidences in his books and unfortunately Sheikh Korani did not find a way to refute the evidences and the Yamani’s knowledge so he resorted to this useless tactic which is to call the Yamani a Dajjal. And what is more tragic to his conclusion is that he did not read the hadith clearly and couldn’t compare between Dajjal from Dijlat Al Basra and Dajjal from Basra. InshAllah in the aforemention readings that I posted will clarify much of this misconception. This is the same tool that the Wahabis have used against Imam Al Mahdi a.s. the 12th Imam(a.s). And the Christians against the Prophet(saw) in which they search for all the means they can to blindly fight the message from spreading to the world before investigating,researching and inquiring. Imam Ahmad PBUH does not want blind followers he wants people of knowledge to follow him.

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