Love of Ali

May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
May you be well and closer to Ali every year.

To live your life for your own luxury or for your family, your relatives, your political group, or your people, doesn’t make your life much different than the life of any other animal living with us on this earth.

What gives your life human meaning and real value is to live it for others who are not related to you and with whom you have no vested interest.

This is how Ali bin Abi Talib lived his life; this is why we adore Ali, and why his love runs in our blood.

“O Hind, I have never fallen in love, and someone like me does not see the love of women as a religion.
But my love for the Successor lives in my breast, and roams my heart. He is the light source, and the possessor of the cause of survival from torture, for whoever survives.”

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