The Morals of the Progeny of Muhammad PBUT

  • What can we learn from the morals of the progeny of Muhammad pbut?
  • How the morals of the progeny of Muhammad pbut left others in astonishment?
  • Why was the just rule under Imam Ali cut very short?

When Ibn Ziyad was seized by the sword of Muslim Ibn Aqeel in the house of Hani Ibn Erwa, Muslim did not kill him, to the astonishment of Sharik Al Hamdani, the leader of the tribe, and Hani, one of the tribe’s noblemen, who cared about morals. It left them in astonishment, because they didn’t comprehend the morals of Muslim, who would not betray even his worst enemies.
When the army of Yazid (may God curse him) came to place Al-Hussein under siege, and force him to stay in Karbala in preparation to kill him, he [Al-Hussain] gave them water, even though they were the very enemies who came to kill him.
Ali respected the lives of Muawiya’s ambassadors, even though Muawiya was not the leader of another country, but rather a criminal rebelling against a just state.
Ali pbuh never allowed the attacking of any stranger in his country. He never allowed an ambassador to be assaulted in his country, He never betrayed [anyone]. He never made a promise and then broke his promise, ever. He never intended something and then showed something to the contrary. He never allowed women and children to be assaulted during his rule. He never allowed anyone to be tortured in the prisons, ever. . . and the list goes on. . .
Victory was not a goal for Ali, or Hussain, or Muslim.
The morals of Ali are one of the most important reasons that the years of just rule in his country were cut very short. Ali could have brilliantly sustained it for a long time, just by lowering his moral standards. But then, if this had been done by Abu Al-Hasan [Ali] pbuh,* then they wouldn’t be lofty morals, and it would have deprived us of all of the beauty that we adore in him.
Morals are difficult to grasp for those who have appointed the guardian leader (wali) themselves, without the Proof (Hujjah),** and who have considered his sayings and actions to be infallible without any discussion, research, or thorough examination.

*Abu means “father”. The father of Al-Hasan is Ali pbuh.
**The Proof, or Hujjah, is the proof of God upon the creation, appointed by God Almighty.

A Facebook post, September 30, 2018, from the page of Ahmed Alhasan احمد الحسن about the morals of the progeny of Muhammad pbut.


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